Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Single in London!!

Single life in London is turning out to be shitloads of fun!

I was asked out 4 times in 5 days!! Woohoo! They must love the Canadians over here *grin*. The first three all work in the market - there was the guy I met at Reflex (the most fun club ever!), then a guy I see in Starbucks almost every day at 4pm (when I sneak away for a break so I don't fall asleep at work) and a guy who I see all the time and have polite "hello's" with on a daily basis. The last one is a bartender who works at a bar I go to every once in a while.

Going to go on a couple of dates, see what's out there. But if the last week or so is any indication - I'm sure I'll be just fine *wink* *wink*.

Bring on the boys!!!

Live Earth

So, moving day was Friday and the Live Earth concert was Saturday. This would have been ok if I'd stayed in, unpacked and gone to bed at a reasonable hour but this was not the case. I thought it would be a good idea to go out with a friend locally and have some beers. Again I'm sure it would have been ok if I hadn't forgotten to eat all day!!!

I ended up getting home and going to bed at about 1:30 and waking up with the sun shining through my bedroom window at 6am! No more sleep for me!

My friend Eve swung by my place at about noon and we left for the concert. It took about an hour and a half to get to the stadium via the lovely London Transport system - but we got there eventually. So a little hair of the dog was in order.

I guess all of the moving, running up and down the stairs with boxes took it's toll on my legs so I could barely walk on Saturday. Not good when our seats at the concert were a good 30-40 rows up. We tried to not get up too often so that I didn't look like so much of a cripple....but the beer was calling!

The line-up was fab! Razorlight, Foo Fighters, David Gray, Damien Rice, Black Eyed Peas, Metallica, Madonna, Chili Peppers, Beastie Boys, Keane etc etc. We missed Genesis who were the opening act (which sucks!) because of the lovely TFL and the 1.5 hour journey to get there but the rest was great.

Madonna was the final act and to be honest, I could take or leave her...so we left when she came on to beat the remaining 63,000 people.

It was a long day and we finally got back to mine at about 11:30 at night!

Moving Day!

Moving day was Friday the 6th. I hadn't had any luck with finding something to buy and it takes far too long over here (sometimes up to 6 months once you've put in an offer) so I decided to rent.

I found a fab 2 bedroom townhouse for a decent price in Beckenham which is South East London. I didn't realize how much stuff I had accumulated until it came time to pack - man I really like to shop!

So after taking a couple of weeks to pack, I hired a mover to take all of my stuff from A to B. It took less than 3 hours to load the van, drive down and unload.

Absolutely love the new place, quiet little cul-de-sac with allotments (rented garden space) out back and super spacious - so loads of room for all of my shoes!!

Anybody who's heading out to London is welcome to stop for a visit now that I've got a spare room!

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Well...as I had a hangover today, didn't pack nearly as much as I should have and was exhausted - Kat, Caroline and I decided that we would go bowling instead of anything too crazy.

I can honestly say I don't remember the last time I bowled, it might have been way back when I first started dating Dan and even then - I can't remembe the time before that.... Well it turns out that I was just as bad at bowling tonight as I ever have been!!

It was a wicked night in the end - a few beers (hair of the dog), some fab (and some not so fab) music and some dancing. I know....who would have thought there'd be dancing at a bowling alley! They're nothing like ours back home. Over here, there's bowling lanes, pool tables, games rooms etc. And people rent them out for birthdays (and not just 7 year old kids). Half of the night we were watching the 20-something's that were dressed up in 80's gear doing some of the most horrendous dancing I've ever seen.

So I now know that I suck at bowling (and I mean really suck!) but I had a wicked time.