Sunday, July 09, 2006

6 month London Anniversary

Wow - time has flown!! As of last Friday (July 7th) it was 6 months since I arrived here. Sometimes it really does feel like I've been gone for 6 months (or more) and sometimes it feels as though I only left 2 or 3 weeks ago.

I've been thinking a lot about coming home for Christmas but we'll see. That's the tough thing about being the "new girl", I have no seniority so everybody else gets to put their request time in for holidays first and some of them put in their requests after Christmas last year!!! Sooo...if they can't afford to lose another member during the time I want, I'm kinda screwed and have to stay here.

Dan and I have chatted a bit about when we're going home and we are hoping to stay until May or June 2007 and then travel around Europe for at least 2 or 3 months or however long our money lasts us.

So....for anybody considering taking a holiday.....come to England!! Because I may not see you until September 2007 otherwise! :-)

Hope everybody back home is doing well. Keep in touch.

Canada Day in London


Canada day was a bust! Network Canada put on a bit of an event on June 30th (the night before Canada day for those of you who are still sleeping!) because apparently Euro Pride Parade was on the 1st of July!

There is usually a pretty good bash near the Maple Leaf Pub which is located 2 blocks away from Covent Garden but this year the Police were handing out flyers saying that there would be no party. The Police would be monitoring everything and it would be a 1 in, 1 out policy for the pub itself.

So we decided to have a bbq at our place. I guess we had about 15 people on and off throughout the day/night. Things kicked off at about 4 in the afternoon and ended (for Dan and I) at about 4am. YUCK!

Needless to say we were ridiculously hungover the next day! Hopefully next year will be more fun if we're still in London.